What is a Virtual Privacy Officer?

The Privacy Act 2020 requires all organisations to have a privacy officer but it also now allows those privacy officers to be outsourced - we can take care of as much or as little of the functions of a privacy officer as you need. 

Why do you need a  VPO?



Hiring a full-time, in-house privacy officer can be expensive for many organisations. By using a virtual privacy officer, organisations can get the expertise they need without the high costs associated with hiring a full-time employee.



A virtual privacy officer can provide an organisation with a level of expertise that may not be available in-house. Virtual privacy officers typically have extensive experience in privacy law and regulations, and can provide guidance and recommendations to ensure that an organisation is fully compliant with applicable laws and regulations.



A virtual privacy officer can be engaged on a flexible basis, providing an organisation with the ability to scale up or down their privacy resources as needed. This can be particularly beneficial for smaller organisations that may not have the resources to maintain a full-time privacy officer.



An external virtual privacy officer can provide an objective perspective on an organisation's privacy practices and policies, without being influenced by internal politics or competing priorities.



A virtual privacy officer can be fully dedicated to privacy-related issues, without being distracted by other duties or responsibilities within an organisation. This can help ensure that privacy risks are identified and managed effectively.

027 341 1473
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