Our Services

We know that consultancies can be expensive.

We’ve got models that will work for any size of organisation.

Take a look below for more details about the services we can offer you.


We can provide one-off or ongoing privacy training and awareness to employees, managers and other stakeholders within an organisation to ensure that everyone understands their privacy responsibilities

Data Mapping

We can identify the type of personal information an organisation collects, how it is collected, where it is stored, who has access to it, and how it is used

Privacy Impact Assessments

We conduct comprehensive privacy assessments to evaluate an organisation's privacy practices and identify areas that need improvement

Privacy Maturity Assessments

We conduct regular privacy audits to ensure that an organisation's privacy policies, procedures and practices are up-to-date and compliant with application laws and regulations, including the Privacy Act


We help organisations comply with applicable privacy laws and regulations including the Privacy Act, the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act, the Health Information Privacy Code, the Credit Reporting Privacy Code and other relevant privacy standards

Breach Management

We can develop an incident response plan and provide guidance on how to handle data breaches or other privacy incidents. This includes complying with New Zealand's mandatory breach notification requirements under the Privacy Act

Privacy by Design

We integrate privacy considerations into the design and development of products, services and systems. This helps ensure that privacy is considered from the outset, rather than being added as an afterthought

Vendor Management

We help organisations manage third party vendors' privacy risks and ensure that they comply with the organisation's privacy standards. This includes assessing third-party vendor contracts for compliance with relevant privacy obligations

027 341 1473
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